Music Video: Pre-Production Blog

Not only am I having to worry about preparing for Capstone (which is stressfull enough as it is), but I also have to worry about preparing to start production for a music video this semester! (This is going to be one bumpy ride!)
Continue reading “Music Video: Pre-Production Blog”

Music Video: The “Long” Music Video

Looking at how the “traditional” music video has grown from the around the 3-minute mark to the 10-minute plus form which is called the “long” or “long-running” music video. There are two prominent examples of this style of “long” music video, the most recent being Beyonce’s Lemonade (2016), roughly an hour long film which involves the entirety of the referenced album being turned into a music video, while the second is Michael Jacksons Thriller (1983). Continue reading “Music Video: The “Long” Music Video”