Academic Crunch Time

This is just going to be a quick update post concerning the Capstone project. As noted by the post title, it is getting into the second half of the semester, therefore, students everywhere are struggling to get assignments turned in on time.

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Manageability in Preproduction

With midterms having come and gone (including a bottle of Pinot Grigio) there is a lot less weight on my shoulders concerning my classes going into next week. There hasn’t been much progress this week, with midterms going on and other classes needing attention, but I did make progress!

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Project Update: Scaling Back

As the semester draws on and midterm week starts creeping up on the calendar, I have realized that my initial plan for capstone isn’t going to be achievable if attempting to complete it this semester. I really don’t have the support that I need if trying to complete my capstone in the state that it currently is. That is why my capstone is being scaled back to a manageable size, therefore I am going to be working solely on preproduction.

Continue reading “Project Update: Scaling Back”