Project Update: Scaling Back

As the semester draws on and midterm week starts creeping up on the calendar, I have realized that my initial plan for capstone isn’t going to be achievable if attempting to complete it this semester. I really don’t have the support that I need if trying to complete my capstone in the state that it currently is. That is why my capstone is being scaled back to a manageable size, therefore I am going to be working solely on preproduction.

I haven’t been able to make a whole lot of headway on capstone since midterms are next week and my classes are getting very hectic with the amount of work that I am getting assigned.

I still plan on polishing up the script until it shines, it should be another two drafts until I am able to call it finished since the only issues are dialogue based. I plan on finding software that I will be able to use to storyboard the film, due to the tediousness drawing by hand and trying to scan every page.

This is going to be completed by the end of October, because November is going to entail getting the storyboard done and ready to go.

Fingers crossed. I wish all the other students luck on their own midterms!

(I surely need it, as well!)

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